National Day of Prayer

Many of you, truth be told, some of you celebrate, track, prepare and attend the National Day of Prayer every year and i applaud you. It is a really humbling experience for believers to come together in a community that’s constantly bombarded on all sides and pray together. For the church leaders to coordinate a successful event with numbers each year dwindling, can weigh on a struggling church, simple neighborhood, both large or small communities and common place.
We must find a way to reach the lost and come together…we must find a way of loving one another without condemning one another….we must allow God to be God and be more peaceable, or “apt to teach” as the Bible speaks. We must grow in number and petition heaven, make our request known unto God and speak life…we all must habe a common vision and direction. While in conversation,  i came across a series by Max Lucado about “Hope” This is like an indept study of John 3:16…familiar to all believers and non-believers alike. In it he speaks about how this one verse and series of numbers, must become real and hold a deeper meaning especially in times like these when other numbers have been seared into our memories as 9/11…it this lesson he also speaks that God does some things and we are require to do some things both simple and powerful. He says that, 1) God loves and 2) God gave and that 3) we must believe and 4) not perish.

I speak that to say, it was not only powerful, hopeful and true, there is alot of weight upon ones “belief” in God…although God has done, will do and will always Love us no matter what we do…as a people we have a hard time loving Him in return. We doubt and have fear and some even question His existence…please understand i am not bashing or attacking any particular person or group but i am saying that there are people who simply do not believe in God.

I sometimes feel there are more who do not believe but want too and i feel there are those who do believe but are fearful or scared of being labeled, believers in God who simply do not have a voice or feel ot has been silenced or taken away; and may be searching to gain it back. I offer a way to do both and help inspire that voice to be able to speak again.

I will need your support, i will need your friends, your families, i will need your emails and forums of social media and connections. I need you to help support by making a statement. On this year, 01 May 2014, as a nation we celebrate the National Day of Prayer, a gathering and coming together of believers of God. We sing and praise and worship and pray outloud for the nation, our families, businesses, schools, teachers, educators, churches, marriages, hospitals, homeless, diseased of all sorts for healing, doctors…we pray and try to cover everything as one heart on one accord…will you pray with us? Will you support us? Will you spend $20 and buy a T-shirt to wear on May 1, 2014 supporting:


let us inspire the world and speak
~Believe in God~